Good morning nekoweb!

Thanks +3000 (real) views!

Link my posts - 27th April 2024

A small feature I've been working on, just click the button at the right top corner of a post and you'll get a link to it! You can use it inside a link tag like this <a href="[post link]" target="_blank">Post</a>
Example of a link to my 3rd post

Fun fact: I'm taking a bit of inspiration from designs of the old Nintendo website to style mine and noticed that Nintendo JP hosts an old Wii page that hasn't been updated since 2014 lol

Sitebox - 24th April 2024

I've been updating my sitebox for the past few days, tried to add some animations but Nekoweb scraps the keyframes apparently but nevermind... still needs some work, I don't feel like it fits the mood yet. Also, I think I found a weird bug! Some of your followers in the "Followers" tab won't show their sitebox's custom style, whereas they will in "Explore"/"Home" and "Following". Idk why this happens to Remi's site specifically either... Maybe that's just intended this way...? (it got fixed thanks Nekogod)

Site look updated - 20th April 2024

Today I put some actual styles on this site now that I have time to spare, also usign SvelteKit for compoents and stuff (this is a work in progress btw).

Rhythm Pong - 13th April 2024

A young man stands in his bedroom. It just so happens that today, the 13th of April, 2024, he is posting about a pong game he has been making since last year but hasn't found the motivation to keep on development. This is the second prototype of the project I showed on "Old rhythm pong - 17th March 2024"

An actual Koi no Dial 6700 remix - 12th April 2024

Ok here's an actual preview of a Koi no Dial 6700 remix (needs an actual mixing). I really want to go into details on how I tried to make the brass (hits...?) because I'm honestly surprised at how they sound, even though I'm using Screaming Trumpet and a bunch of free samples from SINE Factory. Also, I'm taking inspiration from the OST of a game called Rhythm Thief, I can't express how much I love this OST! I wish to make something alike, but they aren't good free brass VSTs honestly. Looking forward to buying Session Horns or something similar.

In other news, there was an eclipse on Monday and I tried to take some pictures but I was afraid of my camera burning LOL. You can only see the actual eclipse as an artifact near the sun though...

Koi no Dial 6700 remix - 1st April 2024

Right now I'm working on a remix of Koi no Dial 6700 by フィンガー5 in my spare time. Here's a preview.

Weird dreams - 19th March 2024

Yesterday I had a dream where glitchy Super Mario from Mario 64 chased me around the yard, then he caught me and broke my spine in two by bending me backwards.

I just thought I had to post this somewhere.

Old rhythm pong - 17th March 2024

Haven't had much time to work on the guestbook lately, but I found this devlog of a game I'm trying to make. This was like the first prototype of a rhythm pong system, which was very buggy and inprecise. The good thing is that I somehow managed to implement some features, like making the speed of the ball match the speed of the music. The song used for testing was レミングミング by Kairiki Bear.

Guestbook are you ok? - 13th March 2024

Ok the guestbook broke LOL gotta add support for multibyte characters and also line breaks and stuff...

Guestbook on the making - 12th March 2024

Ok so i've been spending the last few days implementing a guestbook because I thought it would be cool to have one but I like reinventing the wheel and hot water so I decided to code it from scratch. It is already working but needs more styling, so for now it has a very simple layout. You can try it here.

3D thing - 3rd March 2024

3 years ago I tried 3D in GameMaker for the first time! I was planning to make a worldmap but it ended up being a headache because I wanted to use a custom data structure to store the terrain information. Tried to make it as lightweight as possible, the terrain data file is around 16KB with a 3 bit per vertex for height variations. It also supports tile animations and tile overlapping. I didn't use this after all (and nobody should) LOL.

You'll need this file as well overtest.wmap

Be sure to put 'overtest.wmap' into C:/Users/[yourusername]/AppData/Local/mapper/ (you'll need to create the 'mapper' folder).

After launching the program just press ENTER to build the terrain, it'll take a while...

Now you move forward and backward with W and S, look arround with Arrow Keys and go up and down with Z and X. Don't ask why I made it this way.

I Wanna be the Mega Man - 2nd March 2024

A little track inspired by Mega Man I made a couple years ago. Tried to stick to the limitations of the NES sound chip, so... I emulated this in FLStudio by basically not using more than 2 square waves at the same time, using 1 wave and 1 channel for noise (no PCM used).

Since I didn't use PCM, toms around a are actually the same triangle wave as the bass line, just with short sustain and pitch shift. This is possible on the NES as notes are played in real-time and different pulse configurations can be used on the fly (gotta check this later).

I also made some variations of the square wave to mimic articulations and make the melody more interesting

Other things that enriches the sound are effects. The NES sound chip doesn't support any kind of effects so I had to play with note repetition and the gain. This can be heard at the very start of the track and around .

Sometimes less is more, NES composers had to come up with some techniques to overcome the technical limitations of the system they were working on and still, they managed deliver an incredible work! The original version of "I Wanna be the Mega Man" didn't aim to sound like a faithful NES track but I changed my mind at some point; kind of happy how it ended up! I will try to remake this on FamiTracker or something... maybe... Anyway, here's a demo of the original version for reference.